Haha! I don't know how will I start this!
This is actually an impulsive idea.
Anything goes! So here it goes... *winks*
Couple of days ago, that was Tuesday, 8 days to be exact or a week and a day for short! Haha. I hope I din't make that so complicated to understand. :) Moving on, ahm, that day, I was browsing over the net and I saw a video post from a college batchmate. A movie trailer. I was a little curious. I clicked it. It's entitled The Girl Next Door. I did remember my bestfriend, who also suggested me a movie to watch before. With that same title. But, when I saw the trailer, I found out those two movies are quite different! As in the whole package. Haha. Well, the posters say it all! :)

I already watched this one. I think, it's just okay. Not that good and not that bad. If I were to rate it, I'll give it a 7! The story is there. I mean, it is really about The Girl Next Door. Precisely! Haha. But, it's a dramatic slash tragic story because some scenes were a bit morbid. For me huh? In my own opinion.

And this is the one! Haha. Well, I must say, the poster itself can capture attention. And sure thing this sells most likely to men. Haha. Definitely I'll give this a 10 as a rating. With just the poster itself? Yes way! Haha. You may say I'm bias. But, no I'm not... Find out why. :)
Din't finish watching the trailer that moment because I was with a close friend in the net shop where we often hang out when we were still studying in college. I just accompanied her coz' she needs to organize some stuff and I need to help her on something. Thanks to my techie skills! :) And one more thing, we're about to meet another close friend that day that's why we were in a hurry. But, when I got home by night time, all of a sudden, I remember the movie trailer and watched it and download it afterwards. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to speedy download it coz' of illegal wi-fi connection! Haha. It took me two days. By Thursday night, I was playing NBA 2K11 over the PSP, tuning in to Papa Jack over the radio and finally watching the movie. Yeah! Simultaneously... Hahaha.

But, when the female lead character entered the scene, I was like, Oh My God! I suddenly stopped playing and removed the other earphone which goes through Papa Jack's radio program and focused my attention towards the movie. My jaw dropped like an instant! Hahaha. Really! That's no joke!
Here are some pictures from the movie. As in... I find these so captivating. On how she project herself on screen! It's a W-O-W! There are lots to browse on over the net but, i only chose a few.

Was able to finish watching it at roughly 2 in the morning. As a result, I was super amazed with the movie itself. The way it was conceptualized and executed. It made me laugh. It made me cry so hard (considering the soundtracks used, positive factor indeed). And it made me think of some things that exist or happen in reality like, these scenarios could possibly happen. It was love at first sight? Or love at first view? Haha. Whatever you may call it.
And the unbelievable part of it? I'm a girl. And honestly, I'm definitely not into other girls (that's a hundred and one percent). Hahaha. But, for the first time, I was so so so strucked! To the point that I was like envious at that moment because I was really mesmerized by the beauty of the female lead character named Danielle at the movie, and Elisha Cuthbert in real life. I must admit, if I were a guy, I would be really obsessed! And what makes it hilarious? I have that kind of feeling already! I'm so into her! I never idolized hollywood stars! It's only now that I have come acrossed with this kind of movie and with that kind of actress. Sounds outdated but I'm happy to discover this just now. Much to my intense admiration for her, I immediately researched a little of everything about her. And much to my surprise, I don't know if disappointment is an appropriate term to describe what I found out. I don't know but it's like, I did a deep sigh! Really... That she's already 28! And this movie was released, 2004. She was 22 or 23 at that time. I was expecting that she still has the looks of that girl next door, but she has changed physically.
Actually I picked two each of her photos and interviews. A before and today's comparison...

But on a lighter side, I care less. :) So what if she's not the girl next door type anymore? Nevertheless, she still got that spark which is really striking! And it made me oh so love her for the nth time! Hahaha... I look up to her in a very special way! I like the way she expresses herself, the way she talks. Beauty with brain cells functioning well plus a very sense of humor and good personality.
Well then, how would you spell the word P-E-R-F-E-C-T? It's ELISHA CUTHBERT baby! :)
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